Well, I was sick with a pretty bad cold. The bad symptoms didn't last too long, maybe 4 days. The congestion held on for another week and a half. But I have such problems with having enough energy to do things, and being sick just wipes me out. I've been too tired to really focus on doing the ED, because it is very labor intensive. So I decided not to stress about it and just do what I could. I've been having my green smoothies almost every day. I've made several meals that lasted me several days, but I don't really remember what they were anymore. One of the reasons I do a Daily Diet Update every day is just to help me keep track of what I've done! I've also been eating plenty off the diet, but still researching and thinking about what I want to do when I get back on it.
Biggest thing I've finally decided: I really don't like kale. I've really tried to learn to like it, but I just don't. I don't like it as chips, I don't really prefer it in soup, it's fine as baby kale in smoothies because I don't really taste it. I find mature kale to be too much though, even in a smoothie. But I think that except for smoothies and the occasional hash where it can be nicely blended in, I'm just not going to be having a lot of it. I will still get plenty of the cruciferous compounds in my smoothies. Broccoli sprouts and baby kale are about 2/3 of the greens I put in there and, when I can find them, dandelion greens fill out the rest.
Health Update:
I have some improvements to my health, even after being mostly off the diet for the last 2 weeks. My stomach seems to be slowly healing. It doesn't react to things quite as strongly anymore, and I notice that my back isn't getting yanked out of place by the diaphragm cramps quite as much. Another thing I've noticed is that my hips are hurting less, and I have fewer cramps in my legs when I'm laying down. I've definitely lost 5 lbs since I started, and I fluctuate another 5 lbs depending on the day. I was sleeping better, and my digestion was very much smoother, but that improvement has reduced during the last few weeks.
I'm planning on starting back on the diet tomorrow. I'm not going to do the fast, that really made me feel very bad the last time. Just gonna get started on porridge and tacos again!
Plans for the week: Make sweet potato chips (with guacamole!) and fries. Make turkey jerky. Plan out what I wanna do with a leg of lamb next week.
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